Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hemp Bracelet

How to Make a Hemp Bracelet

1 Pair of Scissors
1 Roll of Hemp Twine--found at most craft stores

The Preparation
To make your hemp bracelet, you will need two lengths of twine. The first will make up your base strands and should be about four times the length of the finished bracelet. The second one will be used to make the knots and designs of the bracelet and should be four times longer than the first strand cut.  To get ready to make your bracelet and get these portions of twine,
1.       First, unroll a portion of twine and wrap it around your wrist four times and cut it from the roll, this will give you the first length that makes up the base strands.
2.       Next, fold it in half and set it aside. This gives you two strands that make up the middle base.
3.       Then, to get your second length of twine, repeat step one and unwind more twine so that you have a portion that is four times longer than the length used for your base strands and cut it from the roll.
4.       After cutting it from the roll, fold this second portion of twine in half just as you did the first one.  This gives you the two strands that will be used to weave the knots that make up the design of your bracelet.
5.       Finally, combine the two lengths and tie a knot at the folded ends about half of an inch down, leaving a loop that will be used to fasten your finished bracelet.  The two shorter strands should stay in the middle.  You are now ready to weave!

 Weaving Your Bracelet
The knots used to weave hemp bracelets are very simple, and after a little practice you can make your bracelet without even looking at your hands!  To weave your hemp bracelet,
1.       First take your two outer strands (the longer ones) in your left and right hands. These will be the strands you work with to do the weaving.
2.       Then, place the left strand across the two middle base strands and under the right outer strand.

            3.       Next, take your right outer strand and place it behind the center strands, leaving the left strand under it.
4.       Pull the right strand up through the loop on the left of the center strands made by the left strand.

5.       Finally, tighten the twine and you have your first knot!
6.       Continue to weave knots around the center strands, alternating sides for every knot.  (As we began the first knot by laying the left outer strand across the center, we will begin the second by laying the right outer strand across.)
7.       Repeat these steps until you have woven knots for the desired length of your bracelet.  Leave about an inch of twine knot-free at the end to fasten your finished bracelet.
8.       Last, tie your unwoven twine at the end into a good sized knot that you will place through the loop at the opposite end to fasten your bracelet. You’re done!

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